galerija bauerova 9



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Ivan Picelj: Fotograf Edward Steichen

Ivan Picelj, plakat za izložbu Fotograf Edward Steichen, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Zagreb 1966. godine. Crna podloga, reprodukcija fotografije u rasteru sita: grupa ljudi. Gornji dio plakata: bijela podloga, centrirano naziv izložbe (3 reda), ispodinfor
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Ivan Picelj: Tošo Dabac

Plakat za izložbu "Tošo Dabac" u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt 1968. godine. Plakat je tiskan u 3 boje (tamno plavo, crno, svjetlo sivo) na bijelom papiru.Tipografija Helvetica. 50x70cm Kvalitetno opremljen, natur, između dva stakla. Preuzimanje samo u a
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Ivan Picelj: Skurjeni

Ivan Picelj - Plakat za izložbu "Skurjeni" u GSU. Plakat je izveden u 3 boje na bijelom papiru bež, crvena, crna). Osnovni motiv plakata je uvećani detalj grafike Matije Skurjenija s motivom debla (kore). Po sredini plakata ime autora izvedeno kao potpis
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Ivan Picelj: Oskar Herman

Plakat za izložbu "Herman" u Galeriji suvremene umjetnosti 1966. godine. Plakat je izveden u 3 boje (crna, roza, plava) na bijelom papiru. Sitotisak 70 × 50cm
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Ivan Picelj: Marc Chagall

Ivan Picelj - Plakat za izložbu: Marc Chagall, Galerija suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb, katarinin trg 2 7.VII-10.IX 1967. Žuta podloga, crni crtež (stilizirani muški lik s violinom), dolje lijevo datum crnim, gore lijevo i ispod gornjeg ruba (4 bloka) tekst
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Ivan Picelj: Vladimir Veličković

Ivan Picelj - Plakat za izložbu "Veličković"u Galeriji suvremene umjetnosti. Na ružičasto-bijeloj pozadini, reprodukcija grafike u plavo-crnom tonu. Iznad grafike, naziv izložbe plavim slovima. Podaci o izložbi, lijevo i desno od grafike, crnim slovima.
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Penezić & Rogina: Staklena kuća

Vinko Penezić & Krešimir Rogina Staklena kuća za slijepog čovjeka Diptih: Uzdužni presjek + Poprečni presjek Signed and numbered Edition 50 103 x 703 mm Zagreb 1992. Screenprint / sitotisak Atelier Brane Horvat
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Tri generacije beogradskih graditelja

Tri generacije beogradskih graditelja Odnos prema nasljeđu Beograd, 1984. Likovna mapa Etui sa pet grafičkih listova: Aleksandar Deroko Bogdan Bogdranović Grupa MEČ: Mustafa Musić Stevan Žutić
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Jesus Rafael Soto

Jesus Rafael Soto Homage to Federico Garcia Lorca 68,3 x 48,7 Numbered and signed Silkscreen Basikom, Zagreb, 1999. Edition: 100 plus 37 EA (Artist proof) Paper: Conqueror 300
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Vladimir Jovanović

Vladimir Jovanović Varia Bila Triptih Beograd, 1976. Screenprint / Sitotisak 50 x 70 cm Sigend and dated Pop Art
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Ivan Picelj: Lenjingrad

Ivan Picelj: Leninist places in Leningrad Leninjska mjesta u Lenjingradu Galerije grada Zagreba, 1970. 70 x 50 cm High-quality Sitotisak / Silkscreen
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Juraj Dobrović: SK1

Juraj Dobrović: SK1 64x49 cm Signed and numbered Atelijer Brane Horvata (Horetzky) Zagreb, 2002.
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Juraj Dobrović: SK2

Juraj Dobrović: SK2 64x49 cm Signed and numbered Atelijer Brane Horvata (Horetzky) Zagreb, 2002. High-quality Sitotisak / Silkscreen
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Juraj Dobrović: SK3

Juraj Dobrović: SK3 64x49 cm Signed and numbered Atelijer Brane Horvata (Horetzky) Zagreb, 2002. High-quality Sitotisak / Silkscreen
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Ivan Picelj: Cartier-Bresson

Ivan Picelj: Henri Cartier-Bresson / Fotografije Zagreb, 1973. Atelier Brane Horvat (Studio S) 50x70cm High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak Plakat za izložbu "Cartier-Bresson" u GSU. Preko čitave površine plakata velika c/b fotografija (negativ) - torzo muškaraca sa štapom u rukama.
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Ivan Picelj: Suvremena francuska tapiserija

Ivan Picelj: Suvremena francuska tapiserija Plakat za izložbu "Suvremena francuska tapiserija" u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt Zagreb, 1966. 48x67,5 cm High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak
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Ivan Picelj: Francuska tapiserija

Ivan Picelj: Francuska tapiserija Plakat za izložbu Francuska tapiserija" u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt. Zagreb, 1965. Arp / Delaunay / Dewasne / Deyrolle / MagnelliTaeuber Arp / Vasarelyi / Moretnsen / 48x68cm High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak
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Marijan Molnar

Marijan Molnar Moje lice, moja ruka Zagreb, 1979/2016 black and white photos (2) 24x18cm Signed and dated on the back side Edition 1/4
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Raša Todosijević: Edingburška izjava

Dragoljub Raša Todosijević Edingburška izjava / Ko profitira od umetnosti Edinburgh Statement / Who makes profit from art Beograd, 1975. Silkprint 50x66,5 cm Signed Text on Serbian Cyrillic and English
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Vilko Žiljak: 60-4-AC-1975

Vilko Žiljak: 60-4-AC-1975 Zagreb, 1975. Signed and numbered 57 X 76,5 CM Edition 2/10 High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak The graphics of the series are based on the same programmes which he wrote for his professional activities in various companies in the early 1970s – that is, for technical applications. He uses artistic computer graphics exclusively for abstract portrayals and regards these as an analogy to music. Vilko Ziljak has been involved with computer graphics, among other things he was a programmer of geographical maps. In Croatia, Ziljak is a pioneer in the fields of computer graphics and typography, mathematical models as well as simulations and visual research aided by computers. Since the early 1980s he has also produced films and computer-aided animations. He lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.
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Vilko Žiljak: 62-CM-24-MY-1975

Vilko Žiljak: 62-CM-24-MY-1975 Zagreb, 1975. Signed and numbered 57 X 76,5 cm Edition 2/10 High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak In (New) Tendencies 5 (1973), Vilko Ziljak exhibited ASCCI photographs, i.e. digital printouts. The graphics of the series are based on the same programmes which he wrote for his professional activities in various companies in the early 1970s – that is, for technical applications. He uses artistic computer graphics exclusively for abstract portrayals and regards these as an analogy to music. Vilko Ziljak has been involved with computer graphics, among other things he was a programmer of geographical maps. In Croatia, Ziljak is a pioneer in the fields of computer graphics and typography, mathematical models as well as simulations and visual research aided by computers. Since the early 1980s he has also produced films and computer-aided animations. Born 1946 in Sveti Ivan Zelina, Croatia. Studied electrical engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb (Ph.D. 1981). From 1999 professor of graphic technology and head of the department of typography and computer graphics at the Faculty of Graphic Art at the University in Zagreb.
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François Morellet

François Morellet Trames 1956-1975 Silkscreen, ed. 46/90 68.5 x 68.5 cm Signed and dated in pencil lower right, numbered lower left
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François Morellet

François Morellet Trames 1967 / 1975 Silkscreen, ed. 37/90 68.8 x 68.6 cm Signed and dated in pencil lower right, numbered lower left
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Ivan Picelj: Relacije 3

Ivan Picelj: Relacije / Relations 3 Sitotisak / Silkprint 20/30 Numbered and signed 500x500 mm Zagreb, 1992. godine Printed in Brano Horvat Studio, Zagreb
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