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Constantin Xenakis: Galerija SC, Zagreb, 1974

Galerija Studentskog Centra, Zagreb, 1974. godine. One Man Show, Action. Tisak; Vjesnik, Zagreb.
265,00 €


Kuverta / omotnica 1 (design Mihajlo Arsovski) 25x17,5 cm
265,00 €

Braco Dimitrijević: Tale of an artist and a castle

Kabinett für aktuelle Kunst, Bremerhaven, Germany. 1976. Artist’s book. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Edition of 500. Very good minus condition. Creasing at crown of spine. Sunning along spine. Pages sunned. 8.25 x 11.75”. Unpaginated. 20 pages
250,00 €

Braco Dimitrijević: His Pencil's Voice

Braco Dimitrijević: His Pencil's Voice / Njegove olovke glas B/W photos Sven Stilinović & Fedor Vučemilović Galerija SC & Muzički salon Teatar ITD, Zageb, 1973. No sleeve / wrap. Only "record" In very fine codition. Very very rare.
250,00 €

Bora Ćosić, urednik: Rok 1

Rok 1 - časopis za književnost i estetičko ispitivanje stvarnosti. Urednik Bora Ćosić, Beograd 1969. godine. Časopis je uvršten u prestižno izdanje MIT pressa Artists' Magazines - An Alternative Space for Art By Gwen Allen. Mixed Media. Artist's Book. O
250,00 €

Neue Slowenische Kunst

Neue Slowenische Kunst Design Novi kolektivizem Grafički zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1991. Prvo izdanje / first edition Slovenski jezik Kožni uvez, u dizajniranoj kutiji Stanje - kao novo. Tisak - Paramount printing, Hong Kong Iznimno bogato ilustrirano. 19x27cm 274pp
250,00 €

Mangelos: Fenomen Picasso

Mangelos: Fenomen Picasso Pozivnica / katalog Novi Sad, Tribina mladih 17.-30.04.1972. Katalog i plakat Mangelos Štampa: Prosveta, Novi Sad Klišea: Forum, Novi Sad Urednici galerije: Csernik Attila, Mirko Radojičić, Biljana Tomić
250,00 €

Goran Trbuljak: Villa Maria

Artist Book / Art Work Gorana Trbuljaka iz 2005. godine. S potpisom, datirano. Meki uvez s klapnom, 17x16cm. Predgovor na separatnom dijelu (talijanski i hrvatski jezik) Darko Glavan. Cittanova, Novigrad 2005. Fotografije Goran Trbuljak. Oblikovanje Đanin
250,00 €

Roman Cieslewicz: NE!

Grafički zavod Hrvatske i Galerija SC, Zagreb 1973. godine. Knjiga umjetnika NE! ili “Igre odraslih”. Uključuje poster 42x28cm. Roman Cieslewicz - jedan od najznačajnijih i najutjecajnijih dizajnera druge polovice 20. stoljeća, čije su retrospektive pri
250,00 €

Gorgona: Retrospektiva

Katalog prve retrospektivne izložbe grupe Gorgona. Galerije grada Zagreba 1977. godine. Predgovor na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku Nena Dimitrijević. Uključuje i faksimil pozivnice Izvolite prisustvovati. Stamje - odlično.
250,00 €

Ivan Meštrović: Dennoch will ich hoffen (s potpisom)

Ivan Meštrović: Dennoch will ich hoffen...Ein Weihnachtsgespräch (Ipak se nadam ili Božićni razgovori) Knjiga refleksija Rascher Verlag, Zürich, 1945.
250,00 €

Belgrade. Formal/Informal: A Research on Urban Transformation

Belgrade. Formal/Informal: A Research on Urban Transformation ETH Studio Basel Contemporary City Institute [Editor] By Roger Diener, Marcel Meili, Christian Mueller Inderbitzin Scheidegger and Spiess, 2012. Hardcover Design Ludovic Balland. ETH Studio Basel, an institute of urban research, undertakes projects that explore the evolution of the contemporary city, looking specifically at how cities transform over time and interact with material space. Belgrade. Formal / Informal presents the fascinating findings of ETH Studio Basel’s research in the former Yugoslavian and now Serbian capital, investigating in particular the city’s development following the international embargo against the Milosevic regime after the Yugoslavian wars of separation in the 1990s until the present day. This richly illustrated book explores in depth how Belgrade has changed throughout years of upheaval and economic shortage. It shows the result of the interplay between guided and accidental urban planning and construction and the varied architecture that has emerged from this. In essays by architects and urban planners, Belgrade is presented as an example of how contemporary cities develop in an increasingly global community. Of interest to architects and planners, Belgrade. Formal / Informal provides a model of how cities spatially adapt to the constantly expanding needs of their inhabitants.
250,00 €

Petar Dabac: GEFF 69

Petar Dabac: fotografija postavljanja dvometarske fotografije 24x18cm GEFF 69, pod naslovom Seksualnost kao mogućnost za novi humanizam, trebao se dogoditi u prosincu 1969., no pomaknut je za travanj 1970. godine. Najavljena Retrospektiva seksualnog i erotskog filma zagolicala je maštu javnosti, ali i politike, tako da je ovo ujedno i njegovo posljednje izdanje. Prva izdanja festivalskog biltena-glasila krasila je fotomontaža Aurore koja izgovara rečenicu: voljela bih da sam hermafrodit pa da mogu i sa ženama, dok je gradske površine ukrašavao plakat za izložbu Renea Hollosa, na kojemu je prikazan stilizirani golemi penis s grčkim podnatpisom fallikos antropos. Kasnije povučen na inzistiranje viših političkih instanci, ovaj plakat najavio je i beskompromisni GEFF 69 koji je, kako je pisao tadašnji Filmski svet, od skromne svečanosti zaljubljenika u film postao senzacija za koju su se ulaznice prodavale kao vruća roba. Najviše zanimanja izazvale su projekcije filmova Andyja Warhola i Paula Morrisseya, gošća festivala Carolle Schneemann pokazala je svoj Fuses, dok je nemali interes izazvao pjesnički performance novosadske umjetnice Katalin Ladik, koja je proglašena i najfinijom damom festivala. Izvor: Željko Luketić GEFF, Genre Experimental Film Festival, was international experimental film festival organized from 1963 to 1970 in Zagreb, Croatia. GEFF was established after a series of debates between experimental filmmakers held at the Kino Club in Zagreb entitled “Anti-film and Us,” which was led by Mihovil Pansini, leading experimental film author. Anti-film was a type of film that was more focused on the pure acts of research and discovery, delving into its self-reflexive media language rather than any expression or communication happening between artist and viewer. Anti-film represented a radical annihilation of conventional film, its elements, principals and structure. GEFF became a worldwide locus for non-professional and experimental filmmakers. Izvor: Avantgarde museum, Zagreb
250,00 €

Vlado Kristl

Vlado Kristl Katalog za najvažniju izložbu Vlade Kristla. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1962. godine Design kataloga i plakat Ivan Picelj. Fotografije Branko Balić Predgovor Vjenceslav Richter Katalog uključuje originalnu serigrafiju (20x21,5) by Atelier Brane Horvat, Zagreb. Ponuda uključuje i originalnu pozivnicu za izložbu (by Ivan Picelj) Vrlo rijetko u ponudi. Naklada 500.
250,00 €

Braco Dimitrijević: Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti 1973.

Braco Dimitrijević - Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti, Zagreb 1973. godine. Artist Publication. Edition 600. Text on english and Croatian. Introduction Radoslav Putar & Caroline Tisdall. Layout and poster Braco Dimitrijevic. Art Exhibition Invitation Card
200,00 €

Raul Goldoni: Oblici u staklu

Raul Goldoni: Oblici u staklu. Katalog izložbe u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt, Zagreb 1967. godine. Postav izložbe Edo Kovačević. Oprema kataloga i plakat Ivan Picelj. Ponuda uključuje i pet originalnih fotografija objavljenih u katalogu sa opisima na poleđini, . Zvonimir MIkas - broj 31.
200,00 €

Ivan Picelj: GSU 1966.

Katalog za izložbu Ivana Picelja - Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 1966. godine. Vrlo rijetko u ponudi. Uključuje serigrafiju Branje Horvata. Predgovor na hrvatskom i francuskom jeziku Abraham A. Moles. Katalog Ivan Picelj. Plakat Mihajlo Arsovski. Fotografije Tošo Dabac i Branko Balić- Stanje - odlično.
200,00 €

Pan 69 (Mladen Stilinović)

Pan 69. Okupljanje grupe kod Mladena Stilinovića Original fotografija. Autor fotografije Mišo Budisavljević, jedan od nagrađenih autora na Geff '69 Zagreb, 1969. Sitotisak / Silkscreen 50x70cm Pan 69. Mladen Stilinović: "Together with Milivoj Puhovski, Degenek and Boris Bata we formed the student film club Pan 69. Through the Union of Socialist Youth we received some funds to buy the necessary equipment and start making films. At first Pan 69 had six or seven members. The first film produced by Pan was Miša Budisavljević's film in 1969, which was screened at GEFF. Pan 69 held film screenings in Zagreb and Belgrade: at the Zagreb Cinema Club Pan 69 had regular nights, as it did in Belgrade at the SKC (Students Cultural Center)." (from Ana Janevski's interview with Mladen Stilinović, unpublished) At the beginning, like many young people, Stilinović wrote poetry, and published some of it in the literary journal Republika. But since his interests were more in the direction of film, with his friends in 1969 he founded the group Pan 69, which was a student cinema club. In order to get hold of film stock and the equipment necessary for making films, this was the only way at that time. Some of the first films were shown at amateur film festivals, but they were fairly different from the production that could be seen there, and so he was invited to places more adapted to his idiom, where the focus was on contemporary visual art. (Branka Stipančić) In 1969 a group of friends – Boris Barta, Mišo Budisavljević, Branko Degenek, Ninoslav Lovčević, Krsto Mihaljević, Milivoj Puhlovski and Mladen Stilinović – founded the student cinema club Pan 69. He shot his first films Ostani na uglu (Stay on the Corner) and Sam si (You’re Alone) in 1970. That year, in a disco club, he met a high school student, Branka Stipančić, (the author of this text) and the two started a long-term relationship. With Pan 69 and his friends he performed the one and only happening entitled Majski i ostali rituali (May and Other Rituals) in Zagreb, in the Theatre ITD during the 24th May Festival of Yugoslav Student Theatre. The happening was stopped and censured while in progress due to political reasons. He also watched American underground films at Zagreb Genre Film Festival (1970), and admired films by Gotovac, Pansini, Petek, Kristl, Vukotić, Makavejev, Pavlović, Žilnik, Naško Križnar, Nuša and Srečo Dragan… He always visited exhibitions of the New Tendencies as well as those held at the Gallery of Contemporary Art. He was motivated by numerous events and translations of critical editions about film, historical avant-gardes, happening, conceptual art, philosophy of language and linguistic theories, which were available in former Yugoslavia in numerous journals such as Rok, Polja, Treći program, Delo, Filmske sveske, Književnost, in the book Mixed Media by Bora Ćosić, etc. He knew well the domestic art scene: the Slovene group OHO, works by Zagreb artists such as Goran Trbuljak, Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, Braco Dimitrijević and others, and their interventions in urban space. During Pan’s Days, held on a small stage of the Student Centre in Zagreb in 1971, Stilinović showed his films Panika (Panic), Ja volim ljude, a vi? (I Love People, How about You?), More i … (The Sea and …), and Ramenim tako bolno ceo smešan svet (Painfully Shouldering the Whole Funny World), all shot in the same year, and participated in the 6th Festival of Croatian Amateur Film in Zagreb.
200,00 €

Hermann Bollé: Kemijski laboratorij (s potpisom)

S potpisom Hermana Bollea iz 1883. godine. Fotografja (23x17cm) na kartonu (33x25cm). Kemijski laboratorij - Strossmayerov trg, Zagreb - Entwurf Fur Neue Chemische Laboratorium in Agram.
200,00 €

Bora Ćosić. urednik: Rok 3

Rok 3 - Beograd, 1969. Oprema Branko Vučičević (ZMKS) 14x20cm In prestige list in Artists' Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art (The MIT Press) by Gwen Allen
200,00 €

Hommage a Matija Skurjeni

Hommage a Matija Skurjeni Charlotte Zander, Vladimir Crnković ; [prijevod na njemački Heide Zimmermann [et al.] ; prijevod na hrvatski Vera Čičin-Šain] Crnković, Vladimir, povjesničar umjetnosti [autor teksta] Nakladnik Muenchen : Charlotte, Galerie fuer naive Kunst und Art brut, 1987 Materijalni opis 54 str., 3 graf. lista u tehnici serigrafije, [1] list s autorovom fotografijom : ilustr. ; 29 cm Napomena Nakl. 55 primj. Tekst usporedo na njem. i hrv. jeziku. Bibliografija: str. 53-54. Mit 3 Originalsiebdrucken von Magtija Skurjeni. Nummer 11 von nur 55 Exemplaren. Von Skurjeni im Colophon numeriert und signiert.
200,00 €

Filmski bilten 8 (GEFF)

Filmski bilten 8 umnožavan tekst na pisaćoj mašini, originalne slike lepljene na stranice izdaje klub umetnosti pri radničkom univerzitetu Beočin Slog i fotografije Đ. Konrad - omot štampao Progres Novi Sad Mala avangardna filmska škola misao poezija u filmu geff hronologija geff antifilm i mi geff susret - eksperimentalni film geff belo platno heroji bauerovog filma su ljudi umetnost prostora milton manaki pravila montaže filmovi koji dolaze odjek petar blagojević
200,00 €

Franci Zagoričnik: Nihilizem je humanizem

Franci Zagoričnik: Nihilizem je humanizem Znamenja 84 Maribor, 1985. Likovna oprema Marko Pogačnik
200,00 €

Tomislav Gotovac: Čišćenje javnih prostora (signed)

Tomislav Gotovac: Čišćenje javnih prostora / Public place cleaning Homage za Vjekoslava Frecea, zvanog boljševik i apostol čistoće / Public place cleaning Zagreb, 1981. godine Fotografija Ivan Posavec Format: 17,5x12,5
200,00 €