Mladen Stilinović: Exploitation of the Dead

16,00 €

Mladen Stilinović: Exploitation of the Dead. Lijepi katalog/knjiga iz 2003. godine. Bogato ilustrirano. Urednici Branka Stipančić i Tihomir Milovac. Tekstovi na engleskom jeziku. Tekstovi-Beroš, Nada / Dragojević, Danijel, Milovac, Tihomir. Design Igor Kuduz.

Stilinović was also a member - along with his brother Sven and a group of artist friends - in the Group of Six, who collectively rocked the Croatian art world in the late 70s. While this exhibition understandable puts the stress on his individual artistic career, the provocative public actions carried out by the group also left an indelible mark on the local art scene. Stilinović’s best known work from the 1980s is probably the Exploitation of the Dead, which is an umbrella title for a collection of hundreds of pieces that explore the ‘dead signs’ of communist ideology, from the Russian avant-garde to socialist realism, by repainting and ‘exploiting’ them. The work is installed on both the outside and inside of a walled enclosure right at the centre of the gallery, perhaps to suggest that these painted signs can be read both as literally leading to a dead end, and as simultaneously opening out to new interpretations through their contemporary display.      

Autor: Mladen Stilinović
Izdavač: Muzej sUvremene umJetnosti, Zagreb
Izdanje: prvo / first
Godina: 2007
Uvez: meki
Format: 17X24
Stranica: 96