Plakat - Poster - L'affiche. International Competition to Commemorate the 30th anniversary of victory over the evil forces of facism, nazism and militarism by forces of liberty and democracy.
Članica žirija je bila i Vera Horvat Pintarić.
Bogato ilustrirano. Mnoštvo autora iz zemalja sasvih kontinenata. Iz Jugoslavije Željko Borčić i Milan Martinović, te još jedan plakat nepoznatog autora.
Very attractive book of 208 posters including 51 in color that were designed for an international competition "to commemorate the 30th anniversary of victory over the evil forces of fascism, nazism and militarism by forces of liberty and democracy. Uncommon. Very minute wear to the dustjacket.
Autor: Jozef Mroszczak
Izdavač: Krajowa Agencia, Warszava
Izdanje: prvo
Godina: 1977
Uvez: tvrdi + ovitak
Format: 27x28
Stranica: 132