Josip Stošić: Nacrti Za Pet Mojih I Jednu Vašu Pjesmu

1.000,00 €

Artist Book. Josip Stošić - Nacrt za pet mojih i jednu vašu pjesmu (konceptualna pjesma otisnuta na bjelinama Mallarméove poeme Bacanje kocki).

Stamps author Mihajlo Arsovski.

Studentski Centar Sveucilista u Zagrebu, Josip Stosic, Zagreb, 1976. 

In 1976 Stosic "intervened with stamps" in translation of Mallarmé's poem Un Coup de Dés jamais n'abolira le Hasard, a poem first published in 1897, which is known for its exporation of the spatial arrangement of poetry and for its shifting in poetry into the domain of the visual. The poem was used as the visual-semantic substrate for Stosic's book, a work of art entitled "Blueprints for Five Poems of Mine and One of Yours". The reader realizes Stosic's poems according to the instructions provided by the artist above Mallarmé's poem, encouraging the reader's participation and creativity. Signed by Josip Stosic. Lit.Words & images, 20. In Croatia Size: 23x21,2 Cm. Artist Book.

French poet and critic, Stephane Mallarme (1842 – 1898) was a major French symbolist poet, and his work anticipated and inspired several revolutionary artistic schools of the early 20th century, such as Dadaism, Surrealism, and Futurism. Book is in Croatian, translated by Zvonimir Mrkonjic, with commentary by Josip Tomic. Cover design is made by Arsovski, one of the most important contemporary Croatian designers. 52 pages, good condition. 

Josip Stosic was born in Zagreb in 1935. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Zagreb in 1963. He worked at the Institute for History of Art (early Christian, Medieval and Renaissance art in Croatia). He specifically researched the cathedral in Dubrovnik and the parish church in Čazma. In 1951, as a high school student, Stosic self-published Đerdan (Necklace), the first book of concrete poetry in the former Yugoslavia. His poetry was prohibited the same year. Stosic's art practice included concrete poetry, visual structure of words mounted on boards, and the interaction of objects and words ("A", 1969; Premetaljka (Word Puzzle), 1971). Josip Stosic died in 2009 in Zagreb. (izvor;Avantgarde Museum, Zagreb)

Autor: Josip Stošić
Izdavač: Vlastita naklada, Zagreb
Izdanje: prvo/first
Godina: 1976
Uvez: meki s klapnom
Format: 23x21,2
Stranica: 52