Sanja Ivekovic: Tragedija Jedne Venere / A Tragedy of a Venus

500,00 €

Tragedija Jedne Venere / A Tragedy of a Venus, 1975. First edition of exhibition catalogue originally published in conjunction with show held December 1976, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb. Text in English and Croatian. 

The material reprinted here was selected from a special of the magazin Duga, printed in Novembar 1975. until the title Tragedy of Vener.

Naklada 500 povodom samostalne izložbe Sanje Iveković u Galeriji suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, prosinca 1976.

Autor: Sanja Iveković
Izdavač: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb
Izdanje: prvo / first
Godina: 1976
Uvez: meki
Format: 20x29
Stranica: 36