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Vlado Martek: Prevrednovanje poezije

Vlado Martek: Prevrednovanje poezije (pripremanje za poeziju/predpoezija) Vlado Martek, Zagreb 1981. Prostor Proširenih medija, Zagreb Meki uvez / klamano 15,5x21,5 20pp Artist Book. Mixed Media
500,00 €

Braco Dimitrijevic: Interview

Braco Dimitrijević: Interview Artist Book Zagreb : Galerija studentskog centra, 1974 . Dimensions: 19,9 x 13,7 Photographs Fedor Vučemilovič
500,00 €

Milos Crnjanski i Marko Ristic, urednici: Putevi 3-4-5

Putevi, srpski avangardni časopis. Urednici Miloš Crnjanski i Marko Ristić. Prvo izdanje.
500,00 €

Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections

The Corrections (TRUE FIRST - SIGNED.) Hardcover. First Edition (first printing). As new copy in like first-state dust jacket. Pages 430 and 431 reversed. Erratum slip laid in. Winner of National Book Award and fin Autor: Jonathan Franzen Izdavač: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York Izdanje: prvo / first Godina: 2010 Uvez: tvrdi + ovitak Format: 16x23.5 Stranica: 562 Jonathan Franzen: Freedom
500,00 €

Marko Ristic: Bez mere

Prvo izdanje kultnog antiromana jednog od glavnih protagonista srpskog nadrealizma Marka Ristića. Rijetko. Ukrašeno kabalističkim figurama i talismanima. SOVA maksa Ernsta koja stoji u ovom drugom izdanju reprodukovana je direktno sa originala, rađenog na
500,00 €

Sanja Ivekovic; Dokumenti 1949 - 1976

Sanja Iveković; Dokumenti 1949 - 1976. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 10.-30.12.1976. Urednik kataloga i predgovor Davor Matičević (engleski i hrvatski jezik) Prijelom kataloga sanja Iveković Plakat dalin+bor martinis Printed in 300
500,00 €

Bora Cosic: Mixed Media

Bora Ćosić: Mixed Media print on paper 26 × 26,2 cm Belgrade, 1970. Original edition 104 pages Dizajn Branko Vučičević Bora Ćosić’s book, both about and based on the principle of mixed media, is an extraordinary example of a collaged structure of visual and written material: essays, reproductions, quotations, newspaper clippings, photocopies, etc. that bring together the art history of the 20th century in a multi-layered way: conceptual art, film theory, philosophy, social criticism, and sociological research combine to result in a specific index/encyclopedia of concepts. “Mixed Media” looks at topics including the artistic practices of the time, the international neo-avant-garde movement of the 1960s (and later), and movements and practices such as Fluxus, Neo-Dada, Neo-Constructivism, visual poetry, conceptual art, etc., which have the principle of “mixed media” as their main feature. W.S.
450,00 €


Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos Artist Book / Catalogue Izložba radova Izložbeni salon doma JNA Zagreb, 1986. Cover and back page silkprint 17x24,5cm 16pp Mangelos Interview by Mladen Stilinović Katalog i izložba: Mladen Stilinović i Žarko Vijatović Prelom kataloga Krešimir Štefanović
450,00 €

Ivana Brlic Mazuranić: Kako je Potjeh trazio istinu

Ivana Brlić Mažuranić: Kako je Potjeh tražio istinu Ilustracija Vladimira Kirina za treće izvanredno izdanje Priča iz davnina, Zagreb 1926. godine Ilustracija je iz knjižnog bloka navedenog izdanja 11,5x16,5 cm (21x17cm) Potpisano od Ivane Brlić Mažuranić + rukopisom ispisan naslov + Uskrs 1930.
450,00 €

PostGorgona 14

Josip Vaništa - PostGorgona 14/2008 Josip Vaništa - Izdavač: autorova vlastita naklada Zagreb 2008. Broj stranica: 30 Format: 31x22 cm Uvez: meki s klapnom Numerirano i potpisano 46 / 100. Grafičko oblikovanje Josip Vaništa i Paško Mravičić. Fotografije Luka Filipović, Nives Gajdobranski, Željko Košćević, Tomislav Pernar, redakcija NIN, Žarko Vijatović.
400,00 €

Josip Stosić: Derdan

Josip Stošić: Đerdan Prvo izdanje / First edition Zagreb Limited edition Josip Stosic was born in Zagreb in 1935. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Zagreb in 1963. He worked at the Institute for History of Art (early Christian, Medieval and Renaissance art in Croatia). He specifically researched the cathedral in Dubrovnik and the parish church in Čazma. In 1951, as a high school student, Stosic self-published Đerdan (Necklace), the first book of concrete poetry in the former Yugoslavia. His poetry was prohibited the same year. Stosic's art practice included concrete poetry, visual structure of words mounted on boards, and the interaction of objects and words ("A", 1969; Premetaljka (Word Puzzle), 1971). Josip Stosic died in 2009 in Zagreb (source: Avantgarde Museum, Zagreb) Format: 20x14 cm Broj stranica: 106 Uvez: meki Godina izdanja: 1951 Izdavač: Vlastita naklada Josipa Stošića Antikvarijat: Preradovićeva 5, Zagreb dodaj u listu želja Artikla trenutno nema na skladištu!
400,00 €

PostGorgona 15

Josip Vaništa - PostGorgona 15 Josip Vaništa - Izdavač: autorova vlastita naklada Zagreb 2010. Broj stranica: 30 Format: 31x22 cm Uvez: meki s klapnom Numerirano i potpisano 29 / 100. Design Paško Mravičić. Fotografije Miljenko Bernfest, Žarko Vijatović, Eugen, Nives Gajdobranski, Branko Gavrin, Miljenko Horvat
400,00 €

Slavko Matkovic: Knjiga

Slavko Matković: Knjiga (The Book) Artist Book Osvit , 1979. Predgovor Balint Szombathy. Tekst na srpskom, mađarskom i engleskom jeziku. Slavko Matkovic is one of the most prominent Serbian conceptual artists. His work highlights the creative process as opposed to the finished work, and explores such issues as the authorship of a work of art and the relationship between the visual and linguistic spheres, among others. As the most prominent representative of artistic nomadism and in an anticipation of art movements, Matkovic was involved in visual poetry, body art, comics, poetry, painting, performance, film, mail art, etc. In 1969 in Subotica, Matkovic together with Balint Szombathy established the art group Bosch + Bosch. Within this small community, the group embodied contemporary artistic sensibility. Its art practice fulfilled international artistic aspirations by transcending former aesthetic categories in favor of ethics. The Group founded the magazines "Contractor e972" and "WOW" which published relevant articles in the fields of art and theory.
400,00 €

GEFF 69: Bulletin 1-4 (komplet)

Informacijski bilten - Bulletin 1-4 komplet A4 Klamano
400,00 €

Mangelos: Manifesti: noart

Manifesti: noart. Zagreb: Atelier Tošo Dabac, 1978. White. Invitation catalogue. 13x17cm 4pp Silkprint on paper. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at ATD, Zagreb, 1978. Artist's edition. Dimitrije Basicevic Mangelos (1921-1987), - a member of avangarde group Gorgona and participated in the Nove tendencije movement. Very rare.
400,00 €

Katalin Ladik: Aki darazsakról álmodik

Aki darazsakról álmodik (Who is Dreaming About Wasps) | LP | recording of the radio play "Furcsa, aki darazsakról álmodik" (Strange Is the One Who Is Dreaming About Wasps) | Radio Novi Sad, 1988 A –Ladik Katalin* Aki Darazsakról Álmodik Music By, Performer [Zenéjét Szerezte És Előadta] – Király Ernő* Performer [Közreműködött] – Biszák Júlia, Fischer Károly, Ladik Katalin* Technician [Technikai Munkatárs] – Doru Barbulov Fülöp Gábor Bomba-Effektus Le És Föl Music Consultant [A "Kék Duna Keringő" Változatait Adta Elő] – Kovács Ferenc* Music Consultant [Zenei Szerkesztő] – Varga Éva Performer [Közreműködött] – Balázs-Piri Zoltán, Daróczi Zsuzsa, Fejes György, Ferenci Jenő, Fischer Károly, Horváth József (2), Sinkó István Recorded By [Hangfelvevő] – Iván Fece* Technician [Technikai Munkatárs] – Morvai Ferenc*, Slavko Stojanov
400,00 €

Sanja Ivekovic: Women's house 1998-2002

Sanja Iveković - Ženska kuća 1998-2002 Sanja Ivekovic: Women's house 1998-2002 Artist's book. Edition 200. Texts: Nada Beros, Tihomir Milovac,Katy Deepwell. Design Sanja Bachrach Kristofic. Bilingual edition: croatian and english Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2003. 139 pp 31x31 cm
400,00 €

Rastko Petrovic: Afrika

Putopis jednog od najvažnijih autora srpske moderne i avangarde. Prvo izdanje iz 1930. godine. Geca Kon, Beograd. Sa jednom putopisnom kartom od Aleksandra Deroka. U vrlo korektnom antikvarnom stanju, tragovi vremena. Ex Yugoslavia (1910-1945) avant -
400,00 €

1972 Artiste anonyme / Goran Trbuljak 1974

Dated inscription in pencil from Goran Trbuljak to artist Willoughby Sharp on page 25Goran Trbuljak. 1972, Artiste anonyme / Goran Trbuljak, 1974 Zagreb: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, 1976 Artist book Using simple statements and questions, public space
400,00 €

Vladimir Dodig Trokut

Vladimir Dodig Trokut Knjiga od 1 do 10 Artist Book Studentski kulturni centar, Beograd, 1978. 15x21cm
400,00 €

Ruski klasici by Minerva: Design Atelier TRI, Zagreb

Ruski klasici by Minerva Maksim Gorki: Djelo Artamonovih 1-2 (Delo Artamonovyh, 1925) Minerva, Zagreb 1934 Čehov: Pripovijesti Tolstoj: Uskrsnuće 1-2 Minerva, Zagreb, 1933. Prijevod Iso Velikanović. 504pp 14x21 cm tvrdi uvez s ovitkom Design Vladimir Mirosavljević - Atelier TRI, Zagreb
400,00 €

Ezra Pound in Italy

Ezra Pound in Italy: From the Pisan Cantos. By Gianfranco Ivancich (Editor), Vittorugo Contino (Photographer). Copertina rigida stampata e laminata. Spots and Dots. Ezra Pound in Italy from the Pisan Cantos. Annotated by Olga Rudge. Venice: Grafiche Le.
350,00 €

Mladen Stilinovic: Pjevaj 1980.

Mladen Stilinović - Pjevaj. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 1980. godine. Urednik i predgovor Davor Matičević. Prelom i plakat mladen Stilinović. Vrlo rijetko u ponudi. Naklada 500. Manji dio naklade je sa intervencijama Mladena Stilinovića - Razmiš
350,00 €

Nouvelles Tendances

Nouvelles Tendances Originalna pozivnica za prvu izložbu Novih tendencija, Zagreb, 1961. godine. 10x20,5cm Silkprint / Sitotisak
350,00 €