Ivan Picelj: Ulmska varijacija 1

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Ivan Picelj: Ulmska varijacija 1
Potpisano i numerirano 23/40
Ulm Variation, a series of original prints by Ivan Picelj that was prints at the International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana in Septembre 2006, comprises eight original serigraph, along with an introductory text by the art critic Brane Kovič.
All prints are signed and numbered by the artist.
The serigraphs were printed by Slavko Pavlin under the supervision of the artist in the serigraphy studio of the International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana on pure cotton Radeče paper, 320 g/m2, with the dimension 500 mm x 500 mm.
The edition of each serigraph is strictly limited to 40 copies, signed and numbered from 1/40 to 40/40