Ezra Pound in Italy

350,00 €

Ezra Pound in Italy: From the Pisan Cantos. By Gianfranco Ivancich (Editor), Vittorugo Contino  (Photographer).

Edizione italiana limitata a 1500 copie

Signed and inscribed by Ezra Pound. 

Copertina rigida stampata e laminata.

28x23 cm ca., 150 pp., illustrate dalle fotografie di Vittorugo Contino, che in quegli anni seguiva da vicino Ezra Pound. 

Spots and Dots. Ezra Pound in Italy from the Pisan Cantos. Annotated by Olga Rudge. Venice: Grafiche Le.Ma. for Gianfranco Ivancich, 1970. 4° (285 x 236mm). Text in letterpress and facsimile of Pound's manuscript. Photographic illustrations after Contino, the majority full- or double-page. Original gilt synthetic binding.

"These photographic compositions by Vittorugo Contino are of places and things recorded in my Pisan Cantos, places that I first saw in 1898 thanks to my great-aunt Frank. My seeing them again in 1968 was due to the initiative and energy of Contino who has shown remarkable persistence in trying to make the selection as significant as possible [...] Asked for a title for the book I suggested "Spots and Dots", i.e. "locations and punctuations"' (Pound's 'Introduction').

Autor: ittorugo Contino
Izdavač: Gianfranco Ivancich editore
Izdanje: posebno
Godina: 1970
Uvez: tvrdi
Format: 23x28
Stranica: 150