Era Milivojevic

Price on Request

Komplet od trinaest (13) fotografija akcije / perfomansa Ere Milivojevića. Fotografije su numerirane, sa pečatom umjetnika na poleđini.

Format 15,3x10,3 cm

Era Milivojević (Titovo Užice, 1944) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1970, in the class of S. Ćelić. During 1971 - 1973 period he worked and exhibited with the Group of Artists: Marina Abramović, Neša Paripović, Zoran Popovic, Raša Todosijević, Gera Urkom, all famous for their early conceptual art practice. Milivojević's oeuvre includes painting, photography and performance. He lives in Belgrade. Source: Avantgarde Museum, Zagreb