Eduard Stepancic: Jajce, 1940

400,00 €

Pastel, slap Plive, Jajce - 21.06.1940. Potpisano, datirano, format 10x14,5. Slika je bila poslana iz Jajca autoru, Eduardu Stepančiču u Beograd 1941. godine. 

Eduard Stepančič studied in Monza at the Instituto di Belle Arti (1923 -1926), in Venice at the Academia di Belle Arti (1927 -1928), and at the Florence Academy (1929). During his time in Italy he collaborated with the Italian constructivists. Between 1926 -1929 Stepančič was a member of the August Černigoj's Constructivist Group of Trieste. During 1930-1932 he lived in Paris and lectured at a private academy at Montparnasse situated near the studio of Fernand Léger. Stepančič also worked as a scenographer and illustrator. From 1931 Stepančič lived in Belgrade where he worked as a painter and graphic designer -

Autor: Eduard Stepančič
Godina: 1940
Format: 10x14,5
Stranica: 1