Dalibor Martinis, Zagreb: Autoegzekucija / Selfexecution, foto performans sa finalnom postavkom. Galerija Studentskog centra, Beograd, 1978. godine. Artist Book. Very rare.
In the dark space of the gallery I install system of five photo cameras with flashlamps, fixed on the tripod so that each camera stands on the peak of the conceived pentagram, facing the center.
1) REALIZATION I run from one camera to another pushing the selftimer button so the moment of flash / exposure is in delay and out of my control, until all the rolles of film in all the cameras are finished.
2) REALIZED Few days after all the photos I took are shown following the order of exposures.
Dalibor Martinis, 1977
Autor: Dalibor Martinis
Izdavač: Galerija Studentskog centra, Beograd
Izdanje: prvo
Godina: 1978
Uvez: meki
Format: 20,5x29
Stranica: 10