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Vladimir Dodig Trokut : Solve

Vladimir Dodig Trokut - Solve Artist Book / knjiga umjetnika Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 1982. godine.
100,00 €

Radomir Damnjan: Slike

Radomir Damnjanović - Slike - Salon muzeja savremene umetnosti, Beograd 1970. godine. Radomir Damnjanović Damnjan (Serbian Cyrillic: Радомир Дамњановић Дамњан, Mostar, 10 December 1935) is a Serbian painter and conceptual artist. He lives and works in M
100,00 €

Grupa sestorice autora: izlozba - akcija 25.10.75

Originalna pozivnica / fotografija za; izložba - akcija 25.10.1975. godine na Trgu Republike u Zagrebu. Boris Demur, Željko Jerman, Vlado Martek, Mladen Stilinović, Sven Stilinović, Fedor Vučemilović.
100,00 €


A3 / Grupa za akciju i anonimnu atrakciju Grupa izvodi akciju i anonimnu atrakciju u Zagrebu, u utorak, 27.06.1972. Galerija Studentskog centra, Zagreb Letak 24x30 cm Grupu čine: Dobrivoje Petrović, Nenad Petrović, Jugoslav Vlahović, Rista banić, Slavko Timotijević, Mladen Jevdjović i nitko više
100,00 €

Antun Maracic: Ispraznjeni okviri

Antun Maračić: Ispražnjeni okviri / Iščezli sadržaji, 1991.-2017. Emptied frames/Vanished contents, 1991-2017 (ponovljeni rad iz 1991-1994 / remake of the work of 1991-1994 stalni postav neizvjesnog trajanja; stanje nakon akcije nepoznatog devastatora - nehotičnog "suradnika permanent display, duration uncertain; the state after the action of an unknown devastator - inadvertent "associate" Pet razglednica 16x10,5cm
100,00 €

Vladimir Gudac: Unatoc cinjenici

MoMa - Gudac's book presents a series of his photographs that are coupled with colloquialisms, short statements and observations. Vladimir Gudac. Unatoč činjenici= Despite the fact. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, 1977.Izvrsno dizajniran, zanimljiv rijetki
100,00 €

Vujica Resin Tucic: Prostak u noci : rock around the clock

Likovna oprema Duško Kirćanski. Grafička oprema Nenad Čonkić. Objavljeno troškom autora. Ilustrirana poezija, lijepo i zanimljivo izdanje iz 1979. godine.
100,00 €

Gorgona / XVI Sao Paulo Biennial

Vrlo rijetko u ponudi. katalog 19,5x29,5 koji se rastvara u plakat 39x59 cm. XVI Sao Paulo Biennial: Groups Gorgona + Oho from Yugoslavia. Museu de Arte Moderna, 1981. Predgovor na engleskom jeziku Davor Matičević. Stanje - odlično
100,00 €

Dubravka Rakoci: Zagreb Circles

Dubravka Rakoci: Zagreb Circles. ifa-Galerie Bonn, 1993. Plakat. 55x85cm Presavijan. U odličnom stanju. Verantwortlich Iris Lenz & Stephanie Jacobs. Gestaltung Walther Mertel Photographie - Goran Petercol, Dubravka Rakoci, Nino Semialjac Litographie APEX Koln 18x29cm Condition - like new.
100,00 €

Bruno Munari: the MC 1 Architecture Box

Bruno Munari: the MC 1 Architecture Box Originally produced in 1945, the MC 1 Architecture Box - New Edition contains a series of “bricks” of different shapes. Put together differently, you can make any number of buildings, from houses to churches, ancient castles to modern garages, hotels, skyscrapers, factories, towers, aqueducts, temples, stations, hangars, pile dwellings, houses with porticoes, balconies, terraces, and so on. The attached booklet contains over sixty examples which can be multiplied by the imagination of whoever is playing with them, just some of the infinite constructions that can be build. The MC 1 Architecture Box - New Edition is made of cardboard. This new edition features “bricks” made of unhewn beechwood. Dimension: 43.0 x 13.0 cm Languages: Italian and English texts 1st edition: 10/2018 Edition: 10/2018 Corraini Editions, Mantova / Italy
100,00 €

Juraj Dobrovic: Galerija suvremene umjetnost 1971.

Katalog za izložbu Jurja Dobrovića, Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 1971. Uključuje originalnu serigrafiju. Uvod Radoslav Putar. Prijelom kataloga i plakat Ivan Picelj. Serigrafija Brano Horvat. Naklada 500.
100,00 €

Bruno Munari: GSU Zagreb, 1973

Bruno Munari - Izložba, katalog - GSU Zagreb 1973 + Bruno Munari - Pozivnica Izložba - GSU Zagreb 1973. Uključuje svilotisak Brane Horvata. Layout, plakat i poster Ivan Picelj. Predgovor Paolo Fosatti.
100,00 €

Miroslav Sutej: 34 Biennale de Venice

Miroslav Šutej: 34 Biennale de Venice, 1968. Uključuje serigrafiju - izrada Brano Horvat Predgovor / Preface Vera Horvat Pintarić Plakat i katalog, design: Ivan Picelj 20x21cm 24p
100,00 €

Slavko Matkovic: Ich Bin Kunstler

Slavko Matković: Ich Bin Kunstler Subotica, 1989. Tekstovi na srpskom i mađarskom jeziku Ješa Denegri i Balint Szombathy Dizajn: Art Lover 21,5x20cm 12pp
100,00 €

Slavko Matkovic: Work

Slavko Matković: Work Subotica, 1971. Independetly Publisx Autxor Slavqo Matqović 15x21cm
100,00 €

Nusa i Sreco Dragan (geff 69)

Nuša i Srečo Dragan (geff 69) Autor fotografije Petar Dabac Fotografija je snimljena na geff-u '69 Zagreb, 1970. godine Original fotografija iz vremena 12x9cm
100,00 €

Novine Galerije SC 49

Novine Galerije Studentskog centra 49 Zagreb, 1974. 42 x 29,5 cm Novine izdaje: Galerija Studentskog centra, Zagreb, Savska 25, Studentski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; dizajn novina: Željko Borčić; Fotografije: Željko Stojanović i Enes Midžić; novine su tiskane u 600 primjeraka; tisak: Grafički srednjoškolski centar, Zagreb; za novine i galeriju odgovara: Želimir Koščević; suradnici: Vladimir Gudac, Darko Glavan, Želimir Koščević, Slavko Timotijević, prijevod na engleski: Ann Kramer-Borčić; Braco Dimitrijević, Beuys, Miroslav Krleža, Robert Davidson, Bruno Munari, Oskar Herman, Jan Dibbets, Viktor Papanek, Daniel Buren
100,00 €

Izgled / Juni 77

Izgled / Juni 77 Srećna nova umetnost, Beograd, 1977. Urednik Vladimir Jovanović 15x35 cm The first announcement of a Kozmetika concert appeared in June 1977, on the back cover of Izgled magazine. The author of that magazine, as well as of the name of the group, was painter Vladimir Jovanović, one of many visual artists who tried themselves out as R’n’R musicians. Explaining the name of the band, he spoke about a visual art technique he invented himself – painting with face powder and lipstick. Izgled was a fanzine, self-published, but it was completely different from the punk fanzines made in those days. It looked like Warhol’s Interview, and was under the strong influence of David Bowie’s aesthetics. Kozmetika was the other face of Izgled, and its members were Marko Pešić, Saša Nikolić, Goran Vejvoda and Slobodan Konjović. Since they were without a formal musical education, they began to work within a band context in order to gain musical experience and investigate the potential of mutual communications through playing in the band. They had no pretentions to great careers, and no desire to be stars in the eyes of the audience – they were already that in their own eyes, even before they started playing. They made only one record, which they worked on for three years.
100,00 €

Izgled / Maj 78

Izgled / Maj 78 Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1978. Urednici Vladimir Jovanović i Marko Pešić 32x45 cm The first announcement of a Kozmetika concert appeared in June 1977, on the back cover of Izgled magazine. The author of that magazine, as well as of the name of the group, was painter Vladimir Jovanović, one of many visual artists who tried themselves out as R’n’R musicians. Explaining the name of the band, he spoke about a visual art technique he invented himself – painting with face powder and lipstick. Izgled was a fanzine, self-published, but it was completely different from the punk fanzines made in those days. It looked like Warhol’s Interview, and was under the strong influence of David Bowie’s aesthetics. Kozmetika was the other face of Izgled, and its members were Marko Pešić, Saša Nikolić, Goran Vejvoda and Slobodan Konjović. Since they were without a formal musical education, they began to work within a band context in order to gain musical experience and investigate the potential of mutual communications through playing in the band. They had no pretentions to great careers, and no desire to be stars in the eyes of the audience – they were already that in their own eyes, even before they started playing. They made only one record, which they worked on for three years.
100,00 €

Julije Knifer & Juraj Dobrovic & Vjenceslav Richter: XI bienal de Sao Paolo 1973.

Lijepi, bogato ilistrirani katalog Juraj Dobrović, Julije Knifer i Vjenceslav Richter - XI bienal de Sao Paolo, octobar - november 1973. Introduction Radoslav Putar. Fotografije Mitja KOman. Printed in GZH. Editor Božo Bek. Layout Željko Škeljo.
100,00 €

Vera Horvat Pintaric: Vjenceslav Richter

Monografija o Vjenceslavu Richteru. Dvojezično izdanje, hrvatsko - englesko. Iz pera Vere Horvat Pintarić, iznimne pozavateljice povijest
100,00 €

Vjenceslav Richter: 36. Bienalle di Venezia

Lijepo dizajnirani katalog za nastup Vjenceslava Richtera - Richter - 36. Bienalle di Venezia iz 1972. godine. Richter je sudjelovao zajedno sa Dušanom Otaševićem i Vladimirom Veličkovićem. Urednica Irina Subotić. Tekstovi na engleskom i talijanskom jezik
100,00 €

Telo umetnika kao subjekt i objekt umetnosti

Vladimir Kopicl & Ana Raković Telo umetnika kao subjekt i objekt umetnosti Body Art Antologija Likovni salon tribine mladih - Novi Sad, 1972. 21,5 X 30 cm Materijal preuzet iz Avalanche, New York, / katalog `Dokumenta 5` Kassel i časopis Problemi, Ljubljana
100,00 €

Kronotop hrvatskoga performansa: od Travelera do danas

The Chronotope of Croatian Performance Art: from Traveleri to the Present Day (Kronotop hrvatskoga performansa: od Travelera do danas) covers the life of performance art in Croatia from two standpoints: the avant-garde from the early 1920s (e.g. the group
100,00 €