gallery bauerova 9



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Jeff Koons: Blue Balloon Dog

Jeff Koons Blue Balloon Dog Editions Studio Cold cast resin Comes with its original box Comes with the Studio Editions certificate. Limited edition 999 number engraved under the foot of the dog Edtions Studio 30x30x12cm
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Jeff Koons: Black Balloon Dog

Jeff Koons Black Balloon Dog Editions Studio Cold cast resin Comes with its original box Limited edition 999 number engraved under the foot of the dog Edtions Studio 30x30x12cm
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Zeljko Jerman

Željko Jerman Bez naziva 1990's Intervencija / rad kemikalijama na foto papiru 50x60 cm Non signed
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Marijan Jevsovar

Marijan Jevšovar (1922-1998) Potvrđivanje površine crtež na papiru / flomaster Zagreb, 1961 - 1963 29,5x23,5 cm
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Miroslav Sutej

Miroslav Šutej Kvisko Mobile Multiple 1979-1980 Drvo Jedan iz serije od prvih primjeraka rađenih za ekipu Kviskoteke Visina 25 cm Širina 20 cm U izvornom stanju
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Vlado Martek

Vlado Martek Mixed Media Nova umjetnička teorija Tekst grafitnom olovkom + gumica za brisanje Signed and dated Vlado Martek, 1979. 19x29 cm
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Vlado Martek

Vlado Martek Mixed Media Ispraćaj klasnog Podrooma Tekst pastelom + gumica za brisanje Signed and dated Vlado Martek, 1979. 19x29 cm
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Dalibor Martinis: Sanja Ivekovic

Dalibor Martinis: Sanja Iveković Plakat izložbe Sanja Iveković; Dokumenti 1949 - 1976. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 10.-30.12.1976. High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak Atelier Brane Horvat / Studio S 97,5 x 67,5 cm
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Juraj Dobrovic: SK 1-3

Juraj Dobrović: SK 1-3 64x49 cm Signed and numbered Atelijer Brane Horvata (Horetzky) Zagreb, 2002. High-quality Sitotisak / Silkscreen
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Vlado Martek

Vlado Martek Mixed Media Tekst grafitnom olovkom + gumica za brisanje Signed and dated Vlado Martek, 1982. 43 x 52 cm (19x29 cm)
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Dean Jokanovic Toumin

Dean Jokanović Toumin Linija kao dimenzija prostora The Line as a Dimension of Space Multiple - X Zagreb, 2017. Signed and numbered Edition 10 Aluminium / Steel 38 cm
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Ivan Picelj: Nuova Tendenza 2

Nuova Tendenza 2 Design Ivan Picelj Plakat za talijansku izložbu Novih tendencija 2 Venecija / Venice 1963/64. Print: stamparia di Venezia
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Ivan Picelj: Tendencije 5

Plakat za izložbu Tendencije 5, Zagreb 1973. Design Ivan Picelj Silkprint / Sitotisak Tendencije 5 (Konstruktivna vizuelna istraživanja; Kompjuterska vizuelna istraživanja; Konceptualna umjetnost) - Tendencies 5 (Constructive Visual Research, Computer Visual Research, Conceptual Art). Exhibition, organized by the Galerija suvremene umjetnosti [Gallery of Contemporary Art], Zagreb. Tehnički muzej [Technical Museum], Zagreb, 1 June – 1 July 1973.
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Sanja Ivekovic

Sanja Iveković: Ljubica Gerovac (Linda Evangelista) Gen XX, oglasi u časopisima i novinama, 1997 – 2001. Plakat 68x98 cm Gen XX,” 1997–2001, presents posters of famous supermodels emblazoned with the names of female Yugoslav World War II heroes Iveković equipped the photos of professional models with the names and brief stories of women who were celebrated under socialism as “national heroines,” who are today erased from the public consciousness. The space of common knowledge or familiarity from the socialist past was evacuated in favor of popular mass culture and commercial icons. Iveković utilizes these vehicles of everyday contemporary popular literacy and invests in them content with (generally absent, and to contemporary standards unattractive) historical knowledge.
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Goran Trbuljak: Zapisi jednog umjetnika

Goran Trbuljak: Zapisi jednog umjetnika Les ecrits d'un artiste Silkprint / Sitotisak 48,9 x 68,8 cm Motovunski susreti, 1978 Signed and numbered 37/50
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Ivan Picelj

Ivan Picelj Bakrotisak & Sitotisak Motiv: 7011-IL-po, 1969 aluminij, panel ploča Photo Nenad Gattin Bakrotisak / Copperplate printing Grafički zavod Hrvatske Sitotisak / screen print Straža, Zagreb 2002/2005 64,5x97,5 cm Signed by ivan Picelj
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Mladen Stilinovic

Mladen Stilinović: Pjevaj! (Sing!) Plakat izložbe Mladena Stilinovića (1947. - 2016.). Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1980. godine. Visokokvalitetni sitotisak. 100 x 64,5 cm. Plakat je publiciran u 100 plakata Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
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Ivan Picelj: Kozaric

Ivan Picelj: Kožarić Galerija suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb, 1962. 50x70 cm High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak
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Ivan Ladislav Galeta

Ivan Ladislav Galeta Otisak strelice u sitotisku Silkprint / Sitotisak 48,9 x 68,8 cm Motovunski susreti, 1978 Signed and numbered 37/50
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Ivan Picelj: Soto

Ivan Picelj: Soto Plakat za izložbu "Soto" Galerijia suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1970. godine. Sitotisak / Silkprint 50x70cm Plakat izveden u 3 boje na bijelom papiru (plava, crna, siva). Plakat je horizontalno podijeljen u 2 dijela. Veća, gornja površina pravokutnika je plave boje a u vrhu je upisano naziv izložbe i podaci. Donji sivi pravokutnik je manji, unutar njega se nalaze dva izdužena pravokutnika crno plave boje. I plavi i sivi pravokutnik uokvireni su crnom linijom. Jesús-Rafael Soto, Venezuelan-born French artist (born July 5, 1923, Ciudad Bolívar, Venez.—died Jan. 17, 2005, Paris, France), attached himself to avant-garde modernism immediately after World War II and by the late 1960s had become known as a leader in optical and kinetic art, with works that were remarkable for their illusions of sensory vibrations. He lived in Caracas before immigrating in 1950 to Paris. There his works were shown in a number of groundbreaking exhibits, notably in 1955 as part of the group “Le Mouvement” show, which included works by Marcel Duchamp and Viktor Vasarely. For Spiral with Red, the centrepiece of that exhibit, Soto used a layering effect on painted geometric shapes that had an illusory effect on viewers as they passed by. Soto’s experiments with the perception of movement led him to build much larger sculptural works that invited viewers to walk through, beginning with his Pénétrables series. He constructed enormous outdoor exhibits, some of which were public commissions. Soto exhibited widely in Europe, particularly from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, when he was at the peak of his career. He remained active into the 21st century.
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Victor Vasarely: Hexagone

Hexagone, 1988 Plexiglas containing four books 10 1/4 × 11 3/4 × 2 in 26 × 29.8 × 5.1 cm Signed by author Limited and numbered edition Incised and numbered along the bottom
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Izlog / Shop Window

Josip Vaništa - Izlog / Shop Window. Offset, 50x70cm. Framed in nice, quality nature frame. Signed and numbered 13/50. Printed for first Gorgona retrospective, Gallery of Contemporary Arts (today Museum of Contemporary Arts) Gorgona no. 1 Josip Vaništ
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Ivan Picelj: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti

Ivan Picelj: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti 50x70cm Zagreb, 1963. godine High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak Plakat za Galeriju suvremene umjetnosti. Plakat je izveden u 4 boje (crna, smeđa, plava i tamno plavo) na bijelom papiru. Podijeljen na dvije plohe, donja manja u tamno plavoj, gornja veća crne boje. Unutar veće plohe plavi kvadrat.
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Ivan Picelj: Picasso

Ivan Picelj: Picasso Plakat za izložbu "Picasso" u Galeriji suvremene umjetnosti. Zagreb, 1962. godine 50x70 cm Sitotisak / Silkprint
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