gallery bauerova 9



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Ante Brkan: Gospodar situacije

Ante Brkan: Gospodar situacije, 1958. 295x392mm Izrađeno iz originalnog negativa na baritnom papiru Na poleđini pečat Ante Brkan (Veliki Jadrč, 1918. − Zadar, 2004.),
350,00 €

Ante Brkan: U koturima

Ante Brkan: U koturima, 1957. 295x392mm Izrađeno iz originalnog negativa na baritnom papiru Na poleđini pečat Ante Brkan (Veliki Jadrč, 1918. − Zadar, 2004.).
350,00 €

Ante Brkan: Olupine

Ante Brkan: Olupine, 1959. 295x392mm Izrađeno iz originalnog negativa na baritnom papiru Na poleđini pečat Ante Brkan (Veliki Jadrč, 1918. − Zadar, 2004.).
350,00 €

Ante Brkan: Asfalter

Ante Brkan: Asfalter, 1938. 295x392mm Izrađeno iz originalnog negativa na baritnom papiru Na poleđini pečat Ante Brkan (Veliki Jadrč, 1918. − Zadar, 2004.).
350,00 €

Krsto Hegedusic &: Kolaz: Afera Bosilj

Kolaž, nastao 1970/71. godine za vrijeme majstorske radionice Krste Hegedušića. Zanimljivo za povijest umjetnosti. Kolaž je neka vsta doživljaja lika i djela slikara Ilije Bosilja (Šid 1895-Šid 1972. ). Bosilj je otac Dimitrija Bašičevića Mangelosa. Na ko
350,00 €

Vlasta Delimar: Jebanje je tuzno

Vlasta Delimar; Jebanje je tužno, Galerija PM 1986. godine. Plakat 21x30cm. Iznimno rijetko. Fucking is Sad
350,00 €

Katalin Ladik: Poemim 1

Katalin Ladik: Poemim 1 Novi Sad, 1978. Photo by Imre Poth Xerox na kartonu 15x10,5cm
350,00 €

Slavko Matkovic: 5113B

Slavko Matković: 5113B Rad / Work Sitotisak na foliji 2xx19cm 1970 / 1975
300,00 €

Zbirka Richter/Richter Collection

Plakat Zbirka Richter/Richter Collection: The Vjenceslav Richter and Nada Kareš-Richter Donation to the City of Zagreb. U odličnom stanju, nepresavijan, format 98x69 cm.
265,00 €

Milan Dobes

Milan Dobeš (1929, Přerov) is a constructivist and kinetic artist. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. participating in NT 4—Latest Examples of Research: Tendencije 4, / Nove tendencije 4 /Tendencies 4, /New Tendency 4 Zagreb, 1969. Dobeš created dynamic constructivist works, in parallel with the international movement of this tendency by exponents such as Le Parc, Morellet and Soto; took part in formative international exhibitions such as Kunst-Licht-Kunst (Eindhoven, 1966), Konstruktive Tendenzen (Nürnberg, 1968) and New Tendencies 5 (1973), as well as the Documenta 4 exhibition in Kassel; and which did not go unnoticed by the leading critics and theorists of the day (those writing on Dobeš's work include F. Popper, U. Kultermann and O. Bihalji-Merin). In 1971, Dobeš toured the United States with his lumino-dynamic programme accompanying American Wind Symphony Orchestra performances of T. Mayazumi and Krzysztof Penderecki. Untitled 1968 Silkscreen, ed. 70/100, Grafika Séria 7/P, in original cardboard folder Signed and dated in pencil lower right and numbered lower left
265,00 €

Milan Dobes

Untitled 1973 Silkscreen and collage, ed. 98/200, Kolàz Séria 12/B, with original cardboard folder 14,5 x 14,5 cm Signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left and dated lower center Signed on the folder
265,00 €

Milan Dobes

Untitled 1974 Silkscreen, ed. 18/200, Graphika Séria 28/D, with original cardboard folder 14,5 x 8,5 cm Signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left and dated lower center Signed on the folder
265,00 €

Milan Dobes

Untitled 1997 Silkscreen, ed. 119/189 16 x 20 cm Signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left and dated lower center
265,00 €

Milan Dobes

Untitled 1998 Silkscreen, ed. e.a. 7/30 20 x 15,5 cm Signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left and dated lower center
265,00 €

Milan Dobes

Untitled 1970 Silkscreen, ed. 25/200, Graphique Noire Cycle 21/d, with original cardboard folder 13 x 13 cm Signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left and dated lower center Signed on the folde
265,00 €

Tomo Gusic: Hermann Bolle

Tomo Gusić: Herman Bolle Organisers: Institute of Art History, Zagreb and Zagreb City Museum Zagreb, 1976. Exhibition concept: Željka Čorak, Ljiljana Nikolajević Exhibition design: Joža Ladović Poster design: Tomo Gusić Sitotisak: Studentski centar, Zagreb 61x103 cm
250,00 €

Vladimir Dodig Trokut

Vladimir Dodig Trokut Misao o umjetnosti S potpisom. 21x29,5 cm
250,00 €

Sven Stilinovic: Wild Bunch

Sven Stilinović: Wild Bunch / Divlja horda Zagreb, 2002. godine Inkjet Print Foto kolaž / Photo Collage Na poleđini, potpis. Datirano 2003. 30x21cm
250,00 €

Vladimir Dodig Trokut

Vladimir Dodig Trokut Plakat. Sitotisak. Rad je s početka osamdesetih. 21x29,5 cm
200,00 €

Vlasta Delimar: Provjerite da li ste zivi

Vlasta Delimar: Provjerite da li ste živi. Izdahnite zrak iz usta na ogledalo. Mail Art / Collage. Galerija studentskog centra Zagreb, 1984. godine 14,2x10,3 cm
200,00 €

Zeljko Borcic

Željko Borčić Originalna potpisana fotografiju Vintage 12,5x 9 cm Zagreb, 1977. godine
200,00 €

Ivan Picelj: Josip Vanista

Ivan Picelj: Josip Vaništa Plakat za izložbu Josipa Vanište 1980-1990
200,00 €

Misko Suvakovic: Realizam / Antirealizam

Miško Šuvaković: Realizam / Antirealizam - teorijski objekt (photo) kolaž 23x30,5cm Beograd, 1994. Miško Šuvaković was born in 1954 in Beograd. He has been co-founder and member of conceptual artistic Group 143 (1975-1980). He was co-founder and member of informal theoretic and artistic institution "Community for Space Investigation" (1982-1989). He is member of theoretical platform TkH (Walking Theory, from 2000). He teaches aesthetics and theory of art, Faculty of Music, Belgrade (Professor). He teachs theory of art and theory of culture, Interdisciplinar studies, University of Art Belgrade. He published 25 books on serbian, croatian, slovenian and english language – recent books are: Impossible Histories, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2003; Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti, Horetzky, Zagreb, 2005, Konceptualna umetnost, MSUV, Novi Sad, 2007, Epistemology of Art, TkH, Beograd, Wiena. Miško Šuvaković: Realism / Antirealism - theoretical object (photo) collage
200,00 €

Misko Suvakovic: Realizam / Antirealizam

Miško Šuvaković: Realizam / Antirealizam - teorijski objekt (photo) kolaž 23x30,5cm Potpisano / Signed. Beograd, 1994. Miško Šuvaković: Realism / Antirealism - theoretical object (photo) collage
200,00 €